Monday, April 21, 2008

Georgia Visits the Big Apple

Thanks to Mason's awesome Christmas gift idea, Georgia and I had a fantastic girls weekend in NYC. Georgia arrived early evening on Friday and it was a beautiful night so we hung out on the balcony and visited. After eating in (healthy po 'boys, yummy!) we decided to go out for a walk and to stop by Vince and Eddie's, our neighborhood watering hole, for a quick beverage. There was lots of entertainment so we ended up staying a little longer than expected. Four hours later we came home (finally) and hit the sack.

Saturday we woke up a little late, got ready, and hit the Upper West Side for a day FULL of shopping. Georgia and I have recently lost weight so we decided to hit the stores for new "reward" clothes. We finally threw in the towel at 7:30 (after 7 hours of shopping!!!) and got ready for dinner. Saturday night was Georgia's birthday dinner. We had a hard time deciding what to eat because there are so many choices in NYC, but ended up going to Rain, an Asian fusion type place. It was perfect--yummy and something Georgia wouldn't be able to find in Gainesville, FL! We may have over-eaten just a tad, but it was well worth it...and we had walked for 7 hours!

Sunday was tourist day. We started the day with a trip (on the subway) to Grand Central Station. Then we headed to Times Square (and the Ann Taylor Loft store). From there we walked to Macy's in Herald Square. Georgia couldn't get over the shoe selection! It was so overwhelming that we couldn't even find any to buy. Hard to believe...I know. After a few hours at Macy's, we hopped on the subway and headed to Canal Street. For those of you who have never heard of Canal Street, it where you go to find knock-off handbags, watches, etc. Georgia found a fabulous "Gucci" bag and some awesome "I love NY" t-shirts for souvenir gifts. We headed back to our apartment to drop of bags and take a quick cat nap (and say hello to Chris). Then we walked over to Central Park. Spring is here for sure...the flowers are blooming, trees are budding, and the roller skaters are out! During the spring and summer, they set up a roller skating rink on the sidewalks and folks skate and perform for those passing by. It is hard to fully explain how awesome it is. It is one of the things I enjoy most about NYC. Truly hilarious, random, and entertaining! We finished the trip off last night with a delicious and authentic Italian meal at a hole in the wall in our neighborhood. The three of us (Chris, Georgia, and I) had a great time visiting...and of course eating!

I can honestly say that the weekend was absolutely perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. Georgia and I got to spend uninterrupted time together--just the two of us--talking, walking, eating, shopping, and laughing. Life just doesn't get better than that!

1 comment:

Mason said...

Hey Court!

I'm so glad that y'all had a great time. I can't wait to see Georgia's pictures. You are a great friend not only to Georgia but our whole family! We are lucky to have you in our lives!
