Monday, April 7, 2008

Visit to Atlanta

I made a trip to Atlanta for the weekend (March 28) to catch up with friends and family. Georgia and family were visiting Atlanta as well so it seemed like a good weekend to visit. Of course it was a whirlwind of a weekend. For those of you who didn't know I was in town, I am very sorry. It was a really quick trip!

Friday night Mom and I hung out until around midnight and caught up. Saturday morning we had a lazy morning and then went for a nice (and challenging) long walk around her neighborhood before the cold and rainy weather moved in. It was nice to experience a spring morning--I had on shorts and a short sleeve shirt! Our weather in NYC isn't quite that nice. Actually, it is 37 degrees as I type this blog. We met Mom's friend Melissa for lunch and then made a quick (and successful) trip to the mall.

Mom dropped me off at the Giornellis on the way home so I could catch up with the kids. Although I would prefer to stay in the land of denial and pretend the kids are still young (which would make me young too), they are not! Thomas is a wrestling star and taller than me! Ann and Jill are writing major term papers and continue to enjoy fashion. Adelaide is about to graduate from high school and head off to school. College acceptance letters arrived last week so it has been very exciting! She is now faced with the big decision...Kenyon, Middlebury, Davidson, or Dartmouth?!!? I am so proud of her.

Saturday night I met Georgia and family at La Tavola for dinner. Ellie and I spent most of the time going to the potty (well, really just using that as an excuse to walk around). She is a real cutie pie...and has her "Aunt NeyNey" wrapped around her finger.

After dinner, I made a surprise visit at my aunt and uncle's Medicare Ball--a gathering to celebrate hitting 65 and transitioning to medicare. My cousin and her husband gave swing and foxtrot lessons. Grandma and I were dance partners--so fun!!!

Sunday some friends were having a gathering with all of the kids (yes, my kind of party!) so I went and had yummy BBQ and got my kid fix. The kids are growing up so fast!

Sumner and Rand (Brian and Sarah's boys)

Henry (Ann Carter's nephew), Ann Carter, and Anna

Colin (Tyler and Ashley's son) playing a video game

1 comment:

Georgia said...

We had so much fun visiting you and sharing our night at La Tavola with you! That food was amazing! I also loved having Aunt Ney Ney around so I could casually enjoy my meal! NYC is SO far from FL! We love you!